Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fair Savings

Throughout all of my vast experience, I have detected a trend among the male populace; an inexplicable detest of change. No, I don't mean Change in the grander sense--just pennies, nickels and the like. I think it's because most wallets don't have super functional zipper pouches, or men simply can't be bothered to pull out their wallet again to put away change. Instead they store it in their pockets, where it annoyingly falls out and covers the home in a cold copper blanket. 

I used to have a policy that if I found change, my finder's fee was to deposit it in my piggy bank. Especially at my house, there was always the lingering possibility that it could, in fact, be mine. However, after discovering recently that boyfriend had taken to compiling produce bags full of loose coins in a sadly adorable effort to save his change, I had the idea of making a second bank. That way, coins that I knew were actually his could get saved in his name. Plus, the two pigs look so cute together.

Ideally, both banks would be see through to foster some kind of exciting coin collecting competition! Anyone else try something similar?

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